Sober living

Alcohol Side-Effects Immediate, Long-Term, & Social Side Effects

Every year alcohol misuse results in increased criminal justice and law enforcement expenses, decreased work productivity and increased health care costs. An addiction to a substance like alcohol can have a dramatic impact on personal hygiene. The person may smell like alcohol and may not change their clothes or bathe as often as they normally would.

consequences of alcohol

These liver diseases can eventually lead to liver failure and possible death. Not only do these conditions have severe consequences, but a poorly functioning liver also affects the rest of the body.


Your central nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and neurons that communicate messages throughout your body. It powers key functions and processes like movement, memory, speech, thought processes, and more. Your immune system works to keep you as healthy as possible by fighting off foreign invaders, such as viruses, bacteria, and toxins. To your body, alcohol is a toxin that interrupts your immune system’s ability to do its job, thereby compromising its function.

consequences of alcohol

Alcohol not only affects the person physiologically, but it has many adverse effects psychologically and socially too. It is not always necessary that these mentioned signs and symptoms are compulsorily linked with disease conditions. Alcohol can impact various parts of the body, including the brain, heart, liver, and pancreas, as well as essential body systems like the immune and digestive systems. Alcohol use can increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, cognitive decline, liver disease, mental health conditions, and more. Apart from the systemic manifestations which do affect a particular system of the body, there are various disorders in which alcohol indirectly provides its crucial contribution. It is a common finding that one could perceive that alcohol is most of the time in the list of risk factors for various diseases. Alcohol has been found to adversely affect our immune system and the matter of concern as far as this issue is concerned is that immune responses are influenced by even moderate amounts of alcohol intake .

Effects of Alcohol on the Heart

Women tend to be more vulnerable than men to the effects of alcohol due to differences in how their bodies absorb and metabolize alcohol. For women,binge drinkingis defined as consuming four or more drinks during a single occasion, while heavy drinking is defined as eight or more drinks per week. For men, binge drinking is defined as five or more drinks during a single occasion, while heavy drinking is 15 or more consequences of alcohol drinks per week. Some of the early cardiovascular effects, like high blood pressure and an irregular heartbeat, can lead to a host of problems down the road. Long-term consequences of excessive drinking may include cardiomyopathy, stroke and sudden cardiac death. Even though you’re unable to see the damage drinking causes to your internal organs, it’s important not to ignore the warning signs of alcoholism.

What age drinks wine the most?

As of 2020, almost half of all American monthly wine drinkers are over aged 55 and over.

This impact involves bothshort and long-term effects, which can vary. The short-term effects of even casual drinking often set in quickly. The long-term effects of heavy drinking can take a serious toll on your physical and mental health.

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